Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

The parable of the mantis [animation]

Inside the computer animation classes I teach as elective subject, dedicate a space to watch and discuss short films animation. Today I leave one of these fantastic and beautiful short films made with synthetic image. A parable from which we can draw lessons for life. Is a… (leer más)

Simplicity in animations: The Owl

A series of short animations can be based on simple elements. The challenge is to provide movement and expressiveness necessary to convey the message. The main elements like eyes, hands (pins) etc.. They can have their own personality, como es el caso de la seri “The Owl”. La serie de animación está constituida por cortos de… (leer más)

El libro de las matemáticas

The subject of Mathematics has always been controversial for students. There has not been a unified position in their assessment, being simple and attractive to some and hated and complex for others. Mathematics from an abstract point of view are beautiful to more abstract minds. His perfection, su orden… (leer más)

Pieces of Drafting [24] [Normalization] [Education]

A seemingly simple new piece that can be represented using only two projections. The views that make the slope of the planes, namely, in which they are projected orthogonally to the plane of projection are fundamental to their representation. Los taladros cilíndricos se pueden determinar mediante representaciones simplificadas con líneas ocultas y el correspondiente… (leer más)

What is the effect on an image Warp?

There are many effects that can be applied to images using techniques that distort more or less controlled. One of the most used is called “Warp effect” allowing, manteniendo la información de iluminación y color, generar animaciones de un fotograma fijo. Veamos de forma práctica este efecto. Para introducir este… (leer más)

Spring foliage and explosion [Imagen]

Spring offers us images that could saturate our visual memory. The senses are stimulated by the wealth of shapes and colors that nature gives us. It is a time of unrest, wherein the growth hormones that guide dominate us. Las plantas y árboles colonizan nuestro espacio visual que se ve limitado en… (leer más)

Pieces of Drafting [23] [Normalization] [Education]


The conception of a piece as a set of basic elements or forms “primitive” relating simplifies interpretation. One of ortoedro “box”  as the main form define this new object, which has been stripped of another “box” interior, among other operations. La definición dimensional se puede apoyar en esta concepción basada en las… (leer más)

Spanish Reverence for the people of Japan


Today I saw a human initiative blog that I found extraordinary, a tribute to the Japanese people as a video, with an action of their own culture: A bow. El gran valor simbólico de esta acción, I will surprised, is by its beauty, ya que es uno de los símbolos de… (leer más)

@divoblogger en el firmamento ? [Imagen]


Hoy, mirando al firmamento, me ha parecido ver a @Divoblogger entre las estrellas. ¿Qué hace un blogero en nuestro cielo? ¿Ha encontrado su sitio lejos de los mortales? He tomado una instantánea con Blender y FotoMorph que os dejo como prueba. ¿Será una señal de algún acontecimiento venidero? @Divoblogger ¿Qué crees que pueda ser?

Aircraft Detection before Radar was invented

Before the radar also detected enemy aircraft early. The propagation of sound of their engines design allowed for devices that captured the pressure waves. I received a graphic document unknown to authorship, of great historical value that I leave to enjoy. Are giant ears?