Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Categorías programación

Laberinto Garfield con PHP

Younger children like to solve mazes. It represents a very spatial orientation exercise training. A labyrinth (the latin Labyrinthus, and this from the Greek λαβύρινθος labýrinzos) is a place made up of streets and crossroads, intentionally complex to confuse who trespasses on it.(W) I leave the result of a programming exercise in… (leer más)

DrawWorld ! [JAVA]

We started a series of articles that introduce the JAVA programming language directing its focus to the production of applets with graphical content. The framework of a blog is especially useful for testing, environment and twitter (su API) pueden servir para ilustrar su aplicación en el acceso a los datos disponibles en las redes… (leer más)

Proyecto “Neurona”

This post aims to show publicly a development project I am carrying out the social network Twitter. Its purpose is to inform the community that I relate to an activity of scientific interest in which people are participating indirectly you share my space (TL).

Pacman & Hair

Ago 30 years after the creation of one of the most friendly computer games and addictive: Pacman, and you have a video tribute of a program I made hair adding these unique characters. Cosas de la técnica. Google le ha realizado su clásico homenaje, aunque en este caso un poco más elaborado que… (leer más)

Filiform Hair and Forms: Real-time programming

The scheduling of applications that allow animations or simulations run in real time faces in most cases to complex problems that treat a large number of data; cuanto mayor realismo se pretenda obtener, mayor “coste computacional” será necesario. El desarrollo de nuevas técnicas de programación es un área de… (leer más)

Chroma key in MovieMaker: Image Overlay

It inserting the chroma chroma (del ingles Chrome key) audiovisual technique is widely used in film and television and photography, which involves the replacement of a fund for another by computer. This is done because it is too costly and unworkable cutout characters to complete background or frame… (leer más)


FUTURE CREW During the early years 80 produce, Westernized world, significant household penetration of computers with limited graphics capabilities. It's the time of the “sprites” and k's in units of measure. Teams like “Spectrum” or “Commodore 64” usaban el televisor como dispositivo de… (leer más)

Raytracing [Imagen 1024×1024] [Enlaces]

Raytracing (Wikipedia) Raytracing algoritmo (Wikipedia) What is Raytracing?Introduction to image synthesis(blog personal) Gallery of images published in URJC(Work of a Master) Ray Tracing on Programmable Graphics Hardware(Future Lines) Standford Computer Graphics Laboratory(Schools) URJC Master en gráficos Enlaces internos a imágenes de Raytracing Rubick Esferas Distorsión Distorsión 2