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Graphic PIZiadas

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Categories Education

Diédrico System: Third straight projection

The main projections on two planes straight dihedral (horizontal and vertical planes) possible to determine other new planes orthogonal projections on.

We'll see how generically determine a new projection from two. Later we will consider your application to study the so-called “auxiliary projections”, influencing their usefulness in solving various problems.

General guidelines for the testing course TECHNICAL DRAWING II 2012-2013

The last years I have had the responsibility of coordinating testing of technical drawing attached to the universities of Madrid and Guadalajara.

Its design has been modified, for a couple of courses, to respond to the current needs, varying the shape measurement of the courses contents and the objectives attained by our students.

Here are some of the most important aspects in this regard are detailed.

Guidelines for the testing of technical drawing II

The problem of the two peoples and the bridge

One of the first problems of geometry metric I propose to my students is to start the geometric model analysis while we review the basic transformations studied in earlier.

The problem is posed as a real case study, spiced up with a story that varies as a deeper analysis, and I jokingly call “The Cool River Bridge”, or “problem of the two peoples and the bridge”.

Pumpkins of my students (XIII) Challenge to the perception

In proposing the creation of a work halloween pumpkin my students never thought that he could get much juice to exercise.

Besides the interesting variety of models created to recreate the classic face, I found a perceptive curiosity led me to a detailed analysis of some aspects of the Gestalt Laws in class.

Parallel lines intersect at infinity, Myth or Reality?

One of the hardest concepts to assimilate in the first classes of projective geometry is the improper point. An improper point is a point at infinity and can be translated or interpreted as an address.

While metric geometry two lines intersect or are parallel, in projective geometry always intersect at a point proper or improper, what does not change in any way the operation with this geometric-mathematical model.

Evolving work

During the teaching-learning process that occurs in the courses I teach at the university ground propose different jobs that are oriented according to the educational objectives that apply at all times.

The way to motivate students with these works a significant impact on their academic performance, so that combining different strategies allows for optimum results.

Overall I like teaching base long-term projects that serve, fundamentally, for students to maintain a constant exploratory attitude to the subject; Every aspect or concept being taught can ask the same questions:

Would I used for my project?
How do I adapt?

Geometry and origami [ Book ]

Geometry and origami Stella is a book published by Homo Sapiens Ricotti transmitting “happiness” from the world of mathematics. The author takes us to the world of geometry “playing” from bases underlying topological a paper sheet.

A teaching resource certainly of great value that can be entered at different educational levels; allows “touch” mathematics from the realization of the geometric models that express perfection.

Videomapping 3D

videomapping 3D

Hace algún tiempo me llegó este interesante vídeo didáctico que estructura lo que es el videomapping 3D de forma muy amena. At other times we talked about the “Projection mapping“, defining a first approximation: Projection Mapping es el arte de utilizar proyecciones de imágenes que se adaptan a la forma de los objetos que se usan como… (leer más)

Photosynthesis [ Blender ] [ Education ]

Blender is a tool with surprising capabilities. Kelvin Song has created this video to their biology classes using the editing tool, modeling and animation.

A simple animation in which the text is the protagonist, accompanied by a lively band and an elementary render, make this work an artistic reference for scientific and educational publications.

A work that demonstrates how easy it can be effective in many areas of application. Hopefully see more of this level used in the classroom.

Pumpkins of my students (II) [ Blender ]


The use of a subject, or work purposes, classes in computer animation allows us to have a reference in mind on which to project our progress.

Develop the most creative part of the student while he raises a personal challenge that serves to go searching for meaning and application to technical advances that occur in learning the subject.

Pumpkins of my students (I) [ Blender ]


In the courses we offer to perform computer animation, as exercise, different compositions are inspired by some social issue. This year we used “Halloween” como referencia temática para componer una imagen tras la segunda clase del curso. Son imágenes que se corresponden con una primera etapa de formación, but with a meritorious work… (leer más)