Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Categorías Rendering

3D Animation, Lights: Tipos [Blogs experimental] [Blender]

One of the most important aspects in creating an image synthesis is the definition of the elements that illuminate the scene. Blender allows you to define different objects that add lighting to the objects that make up a scene. We will introduce the different types of lights and their basic characteristics, en una primera… (leer más)

3D Animation, Shading: Material Properties [Blogs experimental] [Blender]

Continue advancing basic concepts as applied. The appearance of the object is created from a few values ​​that describe a model that has been growing in complexity as tools have been developed increasingly comprehensive. El color del objeto es una propiedad que puede referirse a diferentes… (leer más)

3D Animation, Files: Save the scene [Blogs experimental] [Blender]

When we spent several hours preparing a model usually stored in files with the same backup in case the program “hangs” leaving for work or just to continue the work later and archive different versions. Todos hemos perdido datos en algún momento y nos ha tocado repetir el trabajo con la sobrecarga que eso… (leer más)

3D Animation, Shading: Edit or Add a Material [Blogs experimental] [Blender]

La textura más simple que se puede utilizar en un objeto es una imagen sobre su superficie, sustituyendo el color liso del objeto por los correspondientes de la imagen utilizada. To add an image to the surface of an object you will have to enter the mode of editing of materials and add textures, para ello tendremos… (leer más)

The importance of textures in image synthesis

One of the aspects that provide greater credibility to a synthetic image, along with the lighting, are the textures applied to objects. After the geometric definition of the elements of a scene, properties apply to objects that give the color, roughness, brightness etc.. Este conjunto de propiedades se engloban… (leer más)

Parametric Design Synthesis image: Helicoids

A helix is ​​a surface generated by moving a straight line with two movements: A rotation around an axis or core, and a translation in the direction of said shaft. You can generate complex animations from repetition and simple processing elements. El helicoide es de aplicación en estructuras arquitectónicas y… (leer más)

3D Architectural Animation

Simulación de los procesos de construcción de obras de ingeniería civil. Animation clip of hospital construction. Location Hong Kong 3D architectural animation, visualization studio, architectural animation renderings, interior design, video graphics 3D Hospital Construction Animation – NKIAP Production (2005) 3D architectural animation, visualization studio, architectural animation renderings, interior design, video graphics 3D Exterior & Interior… (leer más)

3D Animation, The House: Move, Rotate and Follow [Blogs experimental] [ Blender ]

Object “camera” identifies the chosen viewpoint for generating images of our scene. By turning the camera we have seen that when you select the camera (for this we select the icon that represents it with the right mouse button) axes appear to us (RGB) that allow us to change their position (by dragging the… (leer más)

Bump Mapping

Bump mapping is a 3D computer graphics technique which consists in giving a rough appearance to the surfaces of the objects. Used to give an embossed effect on the surfaces of the object. This technique modifies the surface normals without changing its geometry. Las normales originales de la superficie seguirán… (leer más)

Raytracing: Playing with Light and Textures with Blender

The light and textures play a key role when rendering a scene. This article uses a single model that has been assigned different material properties (textures) y en el que hemos ido cambiando las propiedades de la dureza de la sombra que genera un punto de… (leer más)