Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Categorías Tutorial

3D Animation, Use a background image [ Blogs experimental ] [ Blender ]


A la hora de modelar un objeto o personaje en Blender, puede ser conveniente usar una imagen de fondo que nos guíe en el proceso de edición de las superfícies que formarán nuestro modelo 3D. This image can make template function for approximating the polygons that form the surface of the model. Normalmente… (leer más)

Node editor: Color: Mix [Blender]


One of the most used items in the node editor is what allows you to merge or combine two images: Node “MIX”.

With this node you mix a base image (connected to the input of the upper), a second image (bottom entry), operating on individual pixels and corresponding in the two images. The way it produces the output image is determined by the option checked in the dropdown menu.

3D Animation, Examples: Create a Snowflake [ Blogs experimental ] [ Blender ]


Let's see how we can create a snowflake using the Blender geometry editor 2.6.

A snowflake, as we have used to create a wallpaper, is a fractal (self-similar) with six axes of symmetry. Its structure is therefore based on models which are essentially hexagonal, as shown in the attached image. Each arm hence repeated six times on each of the flakes, although there are different configurations depending on the crystallization conditions such as temperature and humidity.

Graphical Programming: Interaction : Mouse Events [JAVA]


After creating the basic graphical and animation engine, introduce the rudiments of interaction by incorporating mouse event model.

The technique will be to generate an event or happening every time you interact with the mouse. This event will be captured by one of our software modules, process it and generate some action.

3D Animation, Examples: Árbol de navidad [ Blogs experimental ] [ Blender ]

Christmas Tree

Let's see how to model with Blender is a small tree which has served to make the Christmas card presented in the first image.

We use a model similar to that used to create the Christmas tinsel, based on the concept of incorporating Blender hair.

Graphical Programming: Double buffering : Draw in the background [JAVA]


When creating the animation engine we have seen that the screen refresh flicker occurs undesirable. This effect is due to the time required to erase the image and generate a new updated, result of animate objects.

One technique to avoid this is called double buffering or “doublebuffered”

Graphical Programming: Animated Graphics Engine [JAVA]


After defining a first interface for drawing graphic objects in JAVA, we will implement animation graphics engine that allows us to manage the dynamics of the application and, later, add user interaction. El motor se encargará de llamar a las funciones que animan a cada uno de los objetos gráficos de la base… (leer más)

3D Animation, Objects: Edit Vertices [Blogs experimental] [ Blender ]

Edit a geometric model by transforming the position of the vertices, is a routine task in the process of creating objects for animation.

A complex object is obtained from a simple object by adding and removing vertices, well as their spatial displacement.

It should start editing simple elements, gradually increasing complexity.

A training on simple objects can absorb the potential for manipulation of these elements, facilitating learning to use, later, to apply them to more complex models.

Graphical Programming: Object oriented graphics and interfaces [JAVA]


El siguiente paso en el tutorial de programación gráfica es definir un interface que será una clase JAVA que permita definir la acción de dibujar los gráficos y asignársela a los objetos, de forma que la clase encargada de pintarlos los reconozca adecuadamente.

Graphical Programming: Start a Eclipse project [JAVA]

We have seen a first graphical application in Java (DrawWorld) to view an applet basic taxonomy, and we have installed a development environment based on Eclipse, que es el mismo necesario para instalar el SDK de Android, unless it is necessary for the set of libraries momendo Android.

También disponemos de un mínimo código para dibujar fractales recursivos: (Sierpinski Triangle) but we have not yet addressed in these pages how to start the project in Eclipse.

In this article I will gather all the pieces to run our first program in JAVA; later, will use this language as a basis for programming in Android devices.