Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Calabazas [ Wallpaper ]

Two halloween pumpkins

By playing with the models used for halloween pumpkins made with Blender, and three pumpkins, We have made this scene gathering the two models.

A strong contrast in terms of the models creates a complex atmosphere, between the dark and the ludicrous.

iHalloween – Pumpkin my Mac


When we decorate our computer always think of a desktop background or wallpaper suitable to the occasion.
There are other fun ways to “tunearlo” out that do not need a complex software or an expensive investment.

Have scissors and some Post-it notes?

The most famous of these festivals are objects pumpkins. Can we convert our Apple logo on your Mac in a fun character? I do not need to give too many instructions. 😉

Blender “latest build” vs “Official build”

Release Logs Thumbs

Live blender is a software which is in a continuous process of development. Every so often, a new official version is considered stable enough to be used in production.

Al started Blender can see him revision number on build, that starts with the letter “r”. This number appears on the Home screen or “Splash Screen” we can get from the menu “Help”

Metric geometry: Circunferencias con condiciones angulares. Solución al Problema I

From the different solutions to the problem are proposed to obtain circumferences with angular conditions ( passing through a point, are tangent to a circle, forming an angle with a straight), we will analyze this solution using the application of the concepts of power used in the “Fundamental Problem Tangencies” ( PFT ).

The general model search can be the first step of a surveyor training. Later we discuss specific ways this particular problem that could simplify the tracking.

Acoustic Levitation


The video that accompanies this page has been produced by “Argonne Labs” and demonstrates the ability to levitate small objects with fluids and sound waves produced by two small speakers with frequencies above 20 KHz (22.000 Hertz)

The two loudspeakers, aligned with high precision, generate some points in space ,called nodes, in which there is no energy transfer; the pressure of the sound waves is able to counteract the force of gravity allowing the drop to remain in suspension. An interesting effect developed by NASA to simulate microgravity and can be used at present for the synthesis of drugs.

Fabrice O. Joubert “French Roast” (2008) [ Animation ]

French Roast

Fabrice O. Joubert (Francia) created this award-winning animated 2008. A French cafe serves as a single stage, with four main characters, to get us a smile.

A businessman who has lost his portfolio is facing the difficult situation of being unable to pay the bill, or seek funding in an ugly way …

Widget regional elections 2012. Galicia and the Basque Country


The newspaper El Pais offers a Widget regional elections to follow our blog.

The widget is inserted by a script with HTML code and lets you interact on a graph to display the results in real time, contrasting with previous elections.

This widget has been installed on this page from which you can follow so the scrutiny.