Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

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Categories Technology

Lytro cameras : A new concept in photography : Field lighting


While camera manufacturers engaged in war walk of the pixels, How many pixels will the next models?, otras compañias empiezan a revolucionar el mundo de la fotografía con un nuevo concepto de captura de imagen. Classically, al realizar una instantánea, la imagen se proyecta sobre un plano de proyección que se situa… (leer más)

Gimp raster editing tool most complete GNU


There are plenty of tools for digital image editing, both raster and vector formats.

Among the applications that can be downloaded freely is “GIMP”, a powerful manipulator of images in raster format that stores bitmap, who has earned a prominent position in the world of graphics, competing at the same level as Photoshop.

Sailboat [Imagen]


A relaxing image of a sailboat with a horizon in the background, in blue tones, Transmitting peace and tranquility. The word usually refers to a sailboat sailboat, namely, que avanza mediante la acción del viento sobre las velas.(W) The image is in wallpaper format for use as desktop background… (leer más)

Apophysis: Fractal gallery

Gallery with 100 fractal images obtained with the editing software Aphophysis

This program creates a type called fractal image “fractal flames” or flame fractals using various tools, that includes an editor that allows you to modify directly the transformations that form fractal image, window transformations applied random mutation, Setting a window that lets you change the color and position of the image, and even a script-like language. Fractals can also export to other specific programs to render pictures of type “fractal flame” as Flam3 (W)

Crepuscular Rays


Among the most common atmospheric phenomena are called “Crepuscular Rays”. They occur when the sun's rays are partially occluded by a cloud that acts as a mask, y se difuminan en la atmósfera iluminando partículas de polvo en suspensión. Podemos observarlos en cualquier latitud, produciéndose especialmente en horas próximas a los crepúsculos y… (leer más)

@divoblogger en el firmamento ? [Imagen]


Hoy, mirando al firmamento, me ha parecido ver a @Divoblogger entre las estrellas. ¿Qué hace un blogero en nuestro cielo? ¿Ha encontrado su sitio lejos de los mortales? He tomado una instantánea con Blender y FotoMorph que os dejo como prueba. ¿Será una señal de algún acontecimiento venidero? @Divoblogger ¿Qué crees que pueda ser?



FotoMorph is a free application that allows imaging morphs easily and intuitively. Allows elementary or composite morphs (multiple) with an interface that is between an image editing application and the characteristic of nonlinear video editing. FotoMorph tiene funcionalidad para otras deformaciones… (leer más)