Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Categorías mosaico

Set parameters of a mosaic of images [Foto-Mosaik]

We have seen how to make a mosaic stepping Picture. We will see below how two important parameters affecting adjustment in the final mosaic, una imagen compuesta por un determinado número de imágenes que se adaptan para formar una imagen de mayor tamaño, using the Photo-Mosaic software. The two parameters object of… (leer más)

Japan pixelated images


These days our retinas have been impressed with the images of the earthquake suffered by Japan, and desolation that caused the tsunami that was generated on its shores. He prepared, with the flag of Japan, an image type “mosaic” with 150 Photographs of these days which passed across the network, as… (leer más)

Mosaic pictures with step by step photo-Mosaik


Let's see step by step how we can generate a mosaic based on an image gallery, with it software “Photo-Mosaic“. Each one of them images will act as a macro pixel to build the final image. For him hacer una mosaic continue operating sequence that you can sign conceptually reduce the: Generar the database… (leer más)

How to make a photo mosaic with images? [Foto-Mosaik]


An image on a computer screen is formed by a set of points, called pixels, Color.

Our perception supported by the Gestalt laws make us believe that it is a continuous image although its nature is discrete.

An application that easily allows a mosaic of a photograph from a set of images is the software Photo-Mosaic.

Firefox4 turns your logo into a mosaic of Twitter avatars

FIREFOX Browser is renewed with a new version that adds up several million downloads in its first moments of distribution. One of the ideas implemented for promotion has been to open a page where the logo is constructed with pixelated avatars twitter. He has called “Fiesta Twitter… (leer más)

Hedera [Imagen]

Hedera (ivy) is a genus of the Araliaceae family of fifteen species of evergreen plants, woody climbers. (W) Climbing shrub of hoja perenne provided of air raíces autoadherentes. You persistent leaves, leathery, de bordes enteros, de color verde intenso, siendo las de las ramas fértiles del tipo ovado romboidal, y las de… (leer más)

Banner of @ oscarcillo for # letrasenelsahara

banner Oscarcillo

@oscarcillo publica en y en Participa con su motivo y banner en el concurso #letrasenelsahara, published in this post to support the initiative to want to wear a bookmobile to sahara. Ha publicado una entrada titulada Una imagen por Mil #Letras en el Sahara Motivo Banner Enlaces relacionados (click on the image)

Banner of @ raimundogiffuni for # letrasenelsahara

A new banner here @ hand raimundogiffuni published at / raimundogiffuni / metal part with your theme and banner contest # letrasenelsahara, reproduced in this post to support the initiative that wants to keep bibliobus sahara. In his blog can be found on the menu to access “Sahara” Reason… (leer más)

Banner of @ juansevilla24 for # letrasenelsahara

@ Juansevilla24 published on y en / Participate with your reason and banner contest # letrasenelsahara, published in this post to support the initiative to want to wear a bookmobile to sahara. Ha publicado una entrada titulada Una imagen por mil #Letras en el Sahara y Una imagen por mil #Letras en el Sahara… (leer más)