Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Categorías Fotografía

Crepuscular Rays


Among the most common atmospheric phenomena are called “Crepuscular Rays”. They occur when the sun's rays are partially occluded by a cloud that acts as a mask, y se difuminan en la atmósfera iluminando partículas de polvo en suspensión. Podemos observarlos en cualquier latitud, produciéndose especialmente en horas próximas a los crepúsculos y… (leer más)

Geometry in Nature: Regular pentagon [Oleander]


The pentagons are five-sided polygonal shapes. In case be regular, the length of these is the same for all of them. The pentagon has five vertices, and in the case of regular we differentiate between “convex” y los estrellados. Un pentágono regular es aquél que tiene todos sus lados iguales y… (leer más)


When we talk about roles in pollinating plants always tend to think of bees as major mediators. There are other insects that also fulfill these functions, well as mammals and birds. In the picture accompanying. se puede observar la acción de una hormiga que al buscar el néctar de la flor realiza… (leer más)

Happy Mother's Day


The Mother's Day or Mother's Day is a holiday celebrated in honor of mothers. It is celebrated at different times of the year depending on the country: in Spain, nowadays, held the first Sunday of the month of may. The modern mother's day was created by Julia Ward Howe, in 1870, originalmente… (leer más)



In botany, antófilo petal is part of the corolla of a flower. It is the inner part of the perianth, which comprises the sterile parts of a flower. In a flower “typical” los pétalos son llamativos y coloreados, y rodean las partes reproductivas. El número de pétalos en una flor es indicativo… (leer más)

Spring foliage and explosion [Imagen]

Spring offers us images that could saturate our visual memory. The senses are stimulated by the wealth of shapes and colors that nature gives us. It is a time of unrest, wherein the growth hormones that guide dominate us. Las plantas y árboles colonizan nuestro espacio visual que se ve limitado en… (leer más)

Mahonia: Yellow flower [Imagen]


Mahonia, flowering bush. Oregon grape is a genre that has 70 perennial shrub species, which belong to the family Berberidácea, este nombre genérico está dedicado a un horticultor americano Bernard M Mahon, who introduced the plant by the expedition of Lewis and Clark (InfoJardín) Leaves composed imparipinnadas, with leaflets espinosos…. (leer más)

Set parameters of a mosaic of images [Foto-Mosaik]

We have seen how to make a mosaic stepping Picture. We will see below how two important parameters affecting adjustment in the final mosaic, una imagen compuesta por un determinado número de imágenes que se adaptan para formar una imagen de mayor tamaño, using the Photo-Mosaic software. The two parameters object of… (leer más)

Japan pixelated images


These days our retinas have been impressed with the images of the earthquake suffered by Japan, and desolation that caused the tsunami that was generated on its shores. He prepared, with the flag of Japan, an image type “mosaic” with 150 Photographs of these days which passed across the network, as… (leer más)