Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

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Categorías Fotografía

Mosaic pictures with step by step photo-Mosaik


Let's see step by step how we can generate a mosaic based on an image gallery, with it software “Photo-Mosaic“. Each one of them images will act as a macro pixel to build the final image. For him hacer una mosaic continue operating sequence that you can sign conceptually reduce the: Generar the database… (leer más)

How to make a photo mosaic with images? [Foto-Mosaik]


An image on a computer screen is formed by a set of points, called pixels, Color.

Our perception supported by the Gestalt laws make us believe that it is a continuous image although its nature is discrete.

An application that easily allows a mosaic of a photograph from a set of images is the software Photo-Mosaic.

Hedera [Imagen]

Hedera (ivy) is a genus of the Araliaceae family of fifteen species of evergreen plants, woody climbers. (W) Climbing shrub of hoja perenne provided of air raíces autoadherentes. You persistent leaves, leathery, de bordes enteros, de color verde intenso, siendo las de las ramas fértiles del tipo ovado romboidal, y las de… (leer más)

Semillas voladoras de Diente de león [Imagen]

Spring is coming and we begin to see new growth in plants Station. Flying seeds, an intelligent dissemination strategy Nature Genetics, soon began to be shifting their genetic content in a frantic search for a space in which to anchor its content to continue their life cycle…. (leer más)

Lichen 2 [image]

From Venezuela forwarded me two photos you made on a Garden in Caracas by Ana Carolina, as a contribution to the blog in its section on the trees. They seem to be two coconut trees that produce beautiful pink flowers. I appreciate the contribution they have made and that allows me to broaden the spectrum informative blog with information from other countries. New commemorative images… (leer más)

Airbus 380 inside [interactive]

The Airbus A380-named A3XX during much of its development stage-4 is a plane tetrarreactor manufactured by the pan-European company Airbus, EADS.Puedes subsidiary of the group, an interactive application to see inside these luxury aircraft: Use the mouse to dynamically view and from different angles this technical marvel of aerospace, It is a link that you can not miss, least to see some screen shots:

Wallpaper: Flower “Prune trilobulado”

The Prunus triloba Lindl is known by different names, as: Plum Flower, Almond Flower, Almond tree, Prune trilobulado. Belongs to the family “Rosaceae” and its origin is in China; being introduced in Europe in the second half of the nineteenth century. Its size is between that of a small tree and shrub… (leer más)

Wallpaper: Azalea [Imagen 1706 x 1280]

Azaleas are shrubs flower at present classified in two subgenera of Rhododendron – subgenus Pentanthera, typified porRhododendron nudiflorum and Tsutsusi subgenus Rhododendron with tsutsusi. There are deciduous azaleas and evergreen azaleas. A winter flower grows best in shady wet areas, but with a well-drained soil, y que produce una gran… (leer más)

Rotor [II] [Imagen]

A helicopter is an aircraft heavier than air that is supported and propelled by one or more horizontal rotors, each one consisting of the more shovels. Los helicópteros están clasificados como aeronaves de alas giratorias para distinguirlos de las aeronaves de ala fija porque los helicópteros crean sustentación con las palas que… (leer más)