Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Completion of the dendrites and axon [ image ]

Neuron visual lobe of a bumblebee

Image of a neuron, VCH-cobalt, of a bumblebee (“Blowfly”) female, situated in its visual lobe, that has been treated with visualization software to segment neuron model based on various parameters.

In this case, the neuron is colored highlighting varying the diameter of the filiform elements that compose (axon and dendrites).

Real or simulated? : Fruits [ Cycles ] [ Blender ] [ Wallpaper ]


We advance in experiments on renderings “Cycles”, Looking inanimate everyday objects. The search for solutions to obtain realistic images of time is based on two “Shaders” : Difusse y Glossy, mixed with “Mix Shader”.

The image also incorporates textures to map brightness, y un desenfoque que le aporta un efecto macro de fotografía.

Real or simulated? [ Cycles ] [ Blender ] [ Wallpaper ]

Cup of coffee

Real or simulated?

How real is the image, or is created with a computer simulation?
El slogan lo leí por primera vez en los carteles de promoción de un master oficial en informática gráfica, juegos y realidad virtual impartido en la URJC.

The question is correct, the boundary between reality and simulation is becoming more diffuse, at least in regard to the credibility of synthetic images.

Cycles : Shaders : Mix [ Blender ]


In addition to the basic set of “shaders” incorporating “Blender” in “Cycles”, There is a special element that can combine two of them: “Mix Shader”.

The definition of a material, normally, will be conducted using two or more shaders on the same object. The main difficulty is to determine the properties needed to create the desired effect that simulates the behavior of the material to light.

Cycles : Shaders : Glass [ Blender ]


Another “shaders” incorporating “Cycles” one Blender es “Glass”. Simulate glass and crystals, and other transparent surfaces,

The crystal is a medium that allows the passage of light (translucent) modifying its trajectory. It also reflects the light creating high gloss specular effects.

Cycles : Shaders : Glossy [ Blender ]


The lighting of a scene primarily used diffusion and reflection effects.

We have seen the basic shader using Cycles, called "diffuse", which is based on the model of Lambert or Oren-Nayar, based on the value that is used for the parameter "Roughness" ( 0 = Lambertian). This calculation model simulates the dispersion or diffusion of light on the material, but does not consider the effects of specular reflection that are associated with the model called “Glossy”.

Cycles : Shaders : Diffuse [ Blender ]


Upon visual introduction to shaders saying we introduced the concept:

Synthetic images, as we are calculating with Blender, are rendered with different types of algorithms; results vary the final representation of the objects in the scene.

The mathematical models which allow a synthetic image are grouped into what is called “Shaders” the Shader.

Indoor Flying Robots [ MIT ]


A crash course in it that muestran basics of the physical Gobierno he Movimiento de los Quadrotors. A training video for them enamorados of the aeronautical, it original MIT, in which the basic cycle of operation is enhanced for human or automatic control of these novel flying machines: Note, Control,… (leer más)

Tree diced [ Cycles ][ Blender ][ Wallpaper ]


Among the Blender plugins is incorporating “Sapling” (small tree in UK) that can generate parametrically the structure and foliage of a tree. This plugin is based on Article “Creation and Rendering of Realistic Trees” de Jason Weber y Joseph Penn.

With the basic model that comes by default and a stage extrusion generated surfaces are subdivided plane created the scene that you can see below, which has rendered the motor “Cycles” the Blender.

Pesquero : Detalle [ Cycles ][ Blender ][ Wallpaper ]

Detalle del pesquero

A detail view of the fishing boat model which shows the effect of emissive surfaces defined in “Cycles” lighting and its effect on the environment, on the different surfaces of the boat.

The outline of the mountains of the stage, profiled in a blur due to camera blur bring realism to the set.