Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

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Categorías Shadow

Node editor: Efectos: Shadow [Blender]

Filter “Shadow” is located inside the edge recognition operators. Detects the shadows and enhance them or change their color. Un sencillo ejemplo se puede realizar con el editor de nodos de Blender Usaremos una imagen colorida como base para aplicar los filtros. A bouquet of flowers can serve. Aplicaremos… (leer más)

Node editor: Efectos: Sobel [Blender]

The Sobel operator contours of an image is mainly applied to determine; belongs to the edge detection tools used for image recognition. Es un operador discreto, (actúa sobre los valores de cada pixel) y los relaciona con los de su entorno inmediato analizando la velocidad de cambio en cada… (leer más)

Node editor: Split window [Blender]

Most digital editing programs include a mode “preview” to visualize, about, el resultado de aplicar un filtro a una imagen. Blender dispone de una herramienta en el editor de nodos que permite poder contrastar dos imágenes en una misma ventana. La proximidad de las imágenes permite apreciar mejor… (leer más)

Node editor: Image Filters [Blender]

Los filtros permiten modificar una imagen resaltando elementos o características específicas, difuminando o corrigiendo desenfoques, añadiendo o sustrayendo información de color e iluminación, determinando contornos o fronteras entre objetos, variando el tamaño y forma de la imagen …. y una gran variedad de funciones adicionales que se aplican mediante un conjunto de operadores matemáticos. Any… (leer más)

Introduction to Digital Filters: Flower of Aralia [Imagen][Blender]

Filtering process: The set of techniques encompassed within the preprocessing of images whose primary objective is to obtain, from a source image, another whose end result is more suitable for a specific application to improve certain characteristics that enable it perform processing operations on it. (W) A partir de una… (leer más)

Darling with the dark side [Students work][Blender]

During the last months has been published on the blog a Blender course, free software 3D animation. The course has been an innovative educational experience in which they have participated 50 technical inegenieria Aviation of the UPM students. The experience has consisted of giving training on a blended basis, with… (leer más)

3D Animation, Files: Abrir una escena [Blogs experimental] [Blender]

A scene contains a set of customizable variables, surroundings, items such as cameras and lights, as well as a set of objects. We can imagine a scenario of a theater with its contents: decorating elements, actors, lighting. Al saving a file in Blender, stores the entire workspace: Lights, cameras, objects, textures etc… (leer más)

Gource: Visualizing Software Version Control History

Interpret information visually constantly. Symbolic representation techniques are becoming more sophisticated and apply to new fields of science and technology. The use of computers in the process of creating images that serve to analyze complex concepts, allows for interesting visual results, incluyendo secuencias de vídeo que pueden representar… (leer más)

3D Animation, Animation: Qué es un Path? [Blogs experimental] [ Blender ]

A “Path” computer is the path or direction you will find a file but what is Path animation? A Path is a 3D curve used to define the path to be followed by an object in an animation. El objeto puede mantener su orientación de forma constante o adaptarla para… (leer más)

#letrasenelsahara [1] [Imagen]

logotipo #letrasenelsahara

Javier Sanz nos presenta con “Letters in the Sahara, born on the network and leads to the desert” una iniciativa de colaboración con el proyecto Bubisher (a mobile library for refugee camps). Books are needed to cover the project, financiación para los gastos de envío hasta los campamentos y para su último proyecto “Biblioteca Pública… (leer más)

Luna Lunera & @goefry


Moon, lunera, cascabelera blue eyes, brown face. moon, lunera, under the bed cascabelera have dinner. The Moon is the only natural satellite of the Earth and the fifth largest satellite in the Solar System. It is the largest natural satellite in the Solar System relative to the size of its planet,… (leer más)