Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

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Categorías Tutorial

3D Animation, Efectos: Create a Halo [Blogs experimental][ Blender ]

A halo can be classified within the lighting elements, or be considered a special effect. We have seen an example of using this technique as in the case of Halo of the Sun; we will see how to define and how to adjust some of its parameters. La clasificación tiene sentido para la organización del interface… (leer más)

3D Animation, Animation: Qué es un Path? [Blogs experimental] [ Blender ]

A “Path” computer is the path or direction you will find a file but what is Path animation? A Path is a 3D curve used to define the path to be followed by an object in an animation. El objeto puede mantener su orientación de forma constante o adaptarla para… (leer más)

3D Animation, Modeling: Building with Lattice [Blogs experimental] [ Blender ]

To model an object you can use different editing techniques. Let's build a building that can serve a simple animation, using familiar tools. As always, try to rely on a few concepts to simplify the process. Estructura del Edificio Partiremos de un objeto “Cube” Model based. This object (the cube)… (leer más)

Christmas Wallpaper (XXIII) [School] [Blogs experimental] [Blender]

javier gomez escribano

Fondo de escritorio (postal) de Navidad en 800 x 600 made with Blender animation software. Work done by students of the subject of “Gráficos por ordenador” Javier Gomez scribe to see in detail the image, pulsar sobre la misma. Escena navideña con paisaje nevado y fondo de montañas, cabaña.

Christmas Wallpaper (VIII) [School] [Blogs experimental] [Blender]

Fondo de escritorio (postal) de Navidad en 1280 x 1024 made with Blender animation software. Work done by students of the subject of “Gráficos por ordenador” Ricardo Illan Para ver en detalle la imagen, pulsar sobre la misma. A cute snowman with a snowy background

What is a “Halo”?

Un halo es un efecto óptico causado por partículas de hielo en suspensión en la Troposfera que refractan la luz haciendo un espectro de colores alrededor de la luna o el sol.(W) The same geometry can be represented in many different ways; la mayoría de las veces usaremos la idea de una superficie envolvente del objeto para su… (leer más)

3D Animation, Examples: Christmas Tinsel [ Blogs experimental ] [ Blender ]

Modeling an object in Blender can be addressed with different editing techniques. In this case we use from curves to define their shape. We will approach the problem in three development activities:

Create a tube of great length and small diameter of the object form the basis.
Addto its surface “strips” or “by” that give it its characteristic shape.
Assign the material and define the characteristics of illumination for visual effect we seek.

Compose Images View: Rotation [Microsoft Image Composite Editor]

After seeing a real example (ledge of apple orchards) on composing panoramic images, we get into our virtual laboratory to analyze some possibilities of software “Microsoft Image Composite Editor” To perform the various tests that subject this creation software panoramic compositions, It has built a simplified model… (leer más)

3D Animation, Objects: Curves [ Blogs experimental ] [ Blender ]

Both surfaces curved as are present in the different applications of computer graphics and, generally, of those on synthetic image; are useful for creating complex three-dimensional models, vectorized image representation, control animations, definición para la visualización de texto y de trayectorias para… (leer más)

Compose Images View [Microsoft Image Composite Editor]

When we travel and find scenery like we can get several photos of the same place to take a full memory of what we perceive visually. These partial images (limited by the camera lens) they can become an overview linking the different shots. Met it a very easy to use tool to the… (leer más)

3D Animation, Objects: Boolean operations: Tuerca [Blogs experimental] [ Blender ]

Boolean operations to model objects from a set of basic primitives to which operators are applied sum, difference and intersection. The mechanics are simple objects obtained with this technique, and that “manufactured” also from the “basic forms”. A simple example is a nut; aparentemente… (leer más)