Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Archivo de octubre 2011

Halloween Night 3D [ Animation ] [ videos ] : The Passenger


La noche que antecede al día de todos los santos, o de los difuntos, es la noche de halloween.
Es un espacio para el miedo, el terror, en un ambiente de humor que desdramatiza la muerte.

Los colores naranja y negro sirven para decorar esta festividad, en la que el truco o trato se repite entre los más jóvenes.

Projection mapping sobre objetos


Although initially technique “Projection mapping” has been done on buildings, is applicable to any type of soporte.Como curious example, We can see this projection on a tennis shoe used to publicize the brand, although we can intuit some applications such as color choice or stamped on some models of consumption of different products.

Life of flowers [ Timelapse ]


“Artbeats Timelapse Flowers” es una bella secuencia realizada con la técnica de “Time-lapse“. Nos muestra una cuidada selección de aperturas de capullos de flores, captured and edited by Vladimir Vorobyov with Premiere Pro 5.1, a la que se ha añadido un animado tema musical: Music: West One Music. album: 067 Simple Strings. Track: Happy-go-lucky Time-lapse:… (leer más)

Lytro cameras : A new concept in photography : Field lighting


While camera manufacturers engaged in war walk of the pixels, How many pixels will the next models?, otras compañias empiezan a revolucionar el mundo de la fotografía con un nuevo concepto de captura de imagen. Classically, al realizar una instantánea, la imagen se proyecta sobre un plano de proyección que se situa… (leer más)

Android dreams [ Time lapse movie ]


SAMUEL COCKEDEY es un fotógrafo francés y video artista afincado en Tokyo. El éxito de su tu trabajo se basa en una adecuada elección de escenarios y movimientos de cámara, junto a la inestimable ayuda de singulares condiciones atmosféricas.

El trabajo que se puede ver en esta página (Time lapse) ha sido realizado con una cámara Canon 5dmk2 principalmente en el área de Shinjuku, siendo un rendido homenaje a Ridley Scott y Vangelis
Shot roughly over a year in Tokyo with a Canon 5dmk2, mainly in the Shinjuku area.

The UPM opens in Twitter


The 26 October 2011 publicábamos: LaUniversidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) se estrena hoy en la red social Twitter con el nick @La_UPM. La imagen corporativa de la UPM ha añadido la silueta del logotipo de Twitter a una imagen con su escudo para reforzar su avatar oficial en la red en tiempo real por… (leer más)

Drawing with water : Diffusion in ink


Drawing an interesting technique performed with water and ink which is based on the concept of diffusion (we study in physics) whereby, molecules of two liquids are mixed.

This drawing technique is employed by Emmanuel Guibert, comic book artist and writer, for creating a magnificent graphic novel ALAN'S WAR.

Ellipses and Parables around us [School]


A recurring job type blogs that have developed my students has been the search for and identification of the geometry in all aspects of their daily life, realizing the significance of it.

Conic curves studied in metric geometry section have a high interest in aeronautical engineering studies, and that help describe the trajectories of the bodies under the laws of gravity. Sin embargo, as clearly excel in their jobs, are not the only field of application. The short article that follows, performed by the student group calling itself “The Maze Angle” is a sample of these concerns in relation to the everyday.

Pieces of Drafting [47] [Normalization] [Education]


A new exercise normalized representation of a mechanical part in 3D technical drawing, based on a cylindrical body which has been partially machined. It has two main planes of symmetry that should be used to guide the workpiece on projection planes. Descargar Fichero PDF 3D La vista principal puede ser… (leer más)

Eyes on the Solar System : Visor de misiones de la NASA

eyes NASA

NASA has made available to the public in general a 3D environment that allows us to explore the cosmos from our computer with actual data of their missions. El software se denomina “Eyes on Solar System” and is accessible from the official NASA pages. Immerse yourself with your sight in our Solar system and… (leer más)

Engineering, brain architecture and neuroscience XXI century

Javier defelipe

Este año, in the act of opening the course 2011/2012, We have had the presence of Javier DeFelipe, Cortical Circuits Laboratory (CTB), we gave an interesting lecture on the status of the project “Cajal Blue Brain” entitled:

“Engineering, brain architecture and neuroscience XXI century”.