Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Archivo de octubre 2011

Gimp raster editing tool most complete GNU


There are plenty of tools for digital image editing, both raster and vector formats.

Among the applications that can be downloaded freely is “GIMP”, a powerful manipulator of images in raster format that stores bitmap, who has earned a prominent position in the world of graphics, competing at the same level as Photoshop.

Scientific visualization : Handbook of Data Visualization [ Book ]


An adequate representation of the data is an essential part of any data analysis. Modern developments of information processing based on the use of PCs have allowed significant improvements in graphics capabilities offering new possibilities for data visualization. “Handbook of Data Visualization” es un volumen de la serie de Manuales de Springer de Estadística Computacional que ofrece una visión general de los modernos métodos de visualización de… (leer más)

3D Animation, Objects: Edit Vertices [Blogs experimental] [ Blender ]

Edit a geometric model by transforming the position of the vertices, is a routine task in the process of creating objects for animation.

A complex object is obtained from a simple object by adding and removing vertices, well as their spatial displacement.

It should start editing simple elements, gradually increasing complexity.

A training on simple objects can absorb the potential for manipulation of these elements, facilitating learning to use, later, to apply them to more complex models.

Pieces of Drafting [46] [Normalization] [Education]

pieza dibujo técnico 46

A complex exercise that allows us to practice the standard representation of a mechanical part in 3D technical drawing. Tenemos en este objeto una placa rectangular con dos formas cilíndricas huecas unidas interiormente. Descargar Fichero PDF 3D El plano principal de simetría puede ser usado para determinar una sección que posibilite ver el interior… (leer más)

33 Military Aircraft Drawings

Via email James sent me these beautiful drawings of military aircraft, whose author not know, I share with you.


Mechanisms singular : Gears [ Gears ]

I engranaje_cubo

Our world is ruled by mechanical gears that rotate continuously. The intrinsic rotation concept has led to the concept of circular patterns (Cylindrical) the basis of traditional. A unique set of gears are the ingenuity of its creators, taking another step in this complex world of mechanical…. (leer más)

The Degrees of Freedom and Constraints [School]

degree of freedom

One of the first concepts we address in the geometry classes is to restrictions and degrees of freedom of a geometric figure. It allows us to quantify the complexity of it and the possible way for determining geometric problems. Mis alumnos han interiorizado este concepto y en sus blogs es un… (leer más)