Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Archivo de febrero 2012

3D Animation, Simulation : Clothing: main variables [Blogs experimental] [Blender]

Blender possible to create surfaces that behave like clothing. The simulation model is based on mass-spring techniques for use in computer animation, elastic bodies for defining.

The cloth simulation module has control variables used to adjust the properties of the various tissues to be emulated.

The light of the sunset [Imagen] [Wallpaper]


We have seen how the sunset light, with sunset, appear reddish by diffusion in the atmosphere.

The different frequencies of light, within the visible spectrum, undergo variations in its trajectory to collide with the suspended particles in the atmosphere are. This effect in computer animation is included in the concept of participating media.

RealFlow : Fluid simulation [Videos]


REALFLOW es un simulador de fluidos en 3D creado por la empresa madrileña (España) “Next Limits Technologies”. Its creators, Victor Gonzalez, Ignacio Vargas and Angel Tena were awarded a Technical Achievement Award 2007 Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences for his work done with this realistic simulation based on particle.

The Technical and Glamour: Ignacio Vargas ( Next Limit Technologies)

Ignacio Vargas

En Octubre de 2009 escribí este artículo sobre Ignacio Vargas (Next Limit Technologies) en mi primer blog. Me he acordado al ver otro de sus impresionantes trabajos.

Hoy rescato esta entrada, en homenaje a esas personas que hacen avanzar la técnica y que, both, tienen un perfil humano del que todos tenemos que aprender.

Origen de la projective geometry: Renaissance [ School ]

One of the parts of the geometry that is more prevalent in the corresponding representation is descriptive geometry. Among the works that have made my students, some have focused on the origins of the different geometries, like the one I present today which relate historical aspects and characters that have contributed significantly to this field of science of great application to ingeniarías and Art.

Geometría proyectiva: Ordered triples of elements


The items ordered triples of metric geometry is based on the well-known theorem of Pythagoras. All theorems are deduced from the concept of measurement that is derived from the right triangles. Analogous, projective geometry is based on another important theorem, el teorema de Thales, que en lugar de un concepto… (leer más)

Cinematic Timelapse


Timelapse technique has been used conventionally in nature images or any other type of reality capture (vehicle movement, personas, etc.). Una aplicación novedosa de este sistema de reproducción acelerada de imágenes puede permitirnos visualizar una compleja y larga secuencia de creación de imagen de síntesis. Oliver Villar nos… (leer más)

The largest model railway in the world: Miniatur Wunderland


The model trains have always fascinated children and adults. Around a set of tracks is displayed adding the imagination of the builder buildings, vehicles, people and a host of decorative elements.

Some models represent a true engineering feat given the complexity and realism of their details, as is the case “Miniatur Wunderland” in which are represented scenes from cities around the world, urban and natural environments made with great detail.

Legacy Photographs

El cine y la televisión utilizan complejas técnicas para poder crear imágenes que sólo existen en la imaginación de sus creadores. La mezcla de escenas reales con objetos de síntesis es una de ellas, y presenta el reto de obtener una integración entre ambos mundos que sea realista a la par de creible. Recientemente se… (leer más)

Geometry : Variational geometry educational software


The study of the geometry has been done conventionally constructed figures composed of lines and circles which are related by geometrical concepts. These figures are obtained from a particular position in the data of a problem and the aim is to superimpose a set of constructs for determining the solution thereof. Without… (leer más)