Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

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Categories Digital edition

Node editor: Color: Mix [Blender]


One of the most used items in the node editor is what allows you to merge or combine two images: Node “MIX”.

With this node you mix a base image (connected to the input of the upper), a second image (bottom entry), operating on individual pixels and corresponding in the two images. The way it produces the output image is determined by the option checked in the dropdown menu.

Wallpaper: Christmas 2011 (XIII) : Figurative Christmas Tree [ Imagen 1280×1024 ]


A Christmas tree made up of stars, traditional decorated with christmas balls. A new wallpaper to decorate your desktop.

Wallpaper: Christmas 2011 (XI) : Space balls with tinsel [ Imagen 1280×1024 ]


A new wallpaper for use as wallpaper in this Christmas. A background with spiral galaxy “Leo” on overlapping Christmas balls with different images embedded funds spatial.

A work of rendering and compositing with Blender node editor, that lets you see the possibilities of post-production of this free software tool.

Make an animated GIF from an AVI


Existen muchos paquetes de software que permiten realizar la conversión de formatos de ficheros de imagen. Sin embargo, sometimes, no es necesario un gran despliegue de medios para realizar determinadas tareas, ya que algunas aplicaciones tienen funciones que sin ser diseñadas para un determinado fin, lo permiten de una forma bastante eficiente.

Este es el caso del software gratuito “Sqirtz Morph” que permite realizar un morphing entre dos imágenes. Entre las funciones que incorpora está la posibilidad de realizar un morphing entre dos vídeos en formato AVI.

Reflections of two cubes [ Wallpaper ]

Mirrored cube

Two concentric cubes with high reflectivity can form an image of great interest.
The scene was rendered with editing software, Blender modeling and animation 2.5 reflection indices value 20 for each cube and four point lighting, a white light, and one for each of the basic components of the RGB format.

Gimp raster editing tool most complete GNU


There are plenty of tools for digital image editing, both raster and vector formats.

Among the applications that can be downloaded freely is “GIMP”, a powerful manipulator of images in raster format that stores bitmap, who has earned a prominent position in the world of graphics, competing at the same level as Photoshop.

Visual Effects: Pedro Lara VFX Artist


The visual effects that we see in the movies (Visual effects o VFX) constitute a set of processes by which images are created or manipulated after shooting. Visual effects (commonly shortened to Visual F/X or VFX) are the various processes by which imagery is created and/or manipulated outside the context of a live… (leer más)

Node editor: Converter: RGBA [Blender]

Among the color filters that we have in the Blender node editor, we can find a “RGB primary color filter” we separates the image into the three main channels color.que used in digital format the same name.

We can see in this example how an image with different colors is broken down into each of the color channels. White is the sum of all colors, then has components in all cases.

FotoSketcher : Turn your photos into drawings

Digital filters allow a simple complex transformations of the images. FotoSketcher is an interesting free application that turns our photographs into works of art. Dispone de un sofisticado conjunto de filtros digitales, totalmente personalizables, que nos permiten simular diferentes técnicas de dibujo y pintura: Pencil charcoal Watercolour oil ink china pointillism… (leer más)