Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

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Categories Wallpaper

Visualization of proteins with Blender [ Wallpaper hemoglobin ]


La última compilación del software de modelado y animación Blender incorpora entre sus mejoras un lector (parser) files in PDB format.

This format is used to exchange data scientist atomic structures, in particular to the description of proteins.

Cycles : The new renderer in Blender : Introduction


Cycles is a new Render Engine for Blender, developed by Brecht van Lommel working for the Blender Foundation.

It is integrated into the user interface from version 2.5, although initially was developped as a “Addon” (added plugin).

The goal of Cycles is to replace the internal rendering engine in the next Blender 2 years old, allowing real time feedback to the designer through the use of the GPU hardware calculation as, instead of the traditional CPU. Veremos cómo seleccionar cycles como motor blender

Euro pa … [ Imagen ]


An image synthesis represents a fragile euro with its shadow over Europe.
An image that highlights the complex situation that is called “single currency”.

A simple exercise of modeling and rendering with Blender, you can see on resolution wallpaper 1280×1024 pressing on the center image.

Ocean : Simulation of a sea with Blender


Among the latest enhancements for the modeling and animation software Blender, modifier is to surfaces to simulate the behavior of an ocean.

The switch called “Ocean” different parameters to control the frequency and amplitude of the waves, Wind effects (direction and intensity) etc..

Figure impossible [ Imagen ] [ wallpaper ]

Figure impossible

The so-called impossible figures can be a pleasant pastime in the study of geometry.
Its construction using a modeling tool such as Blender, is an interesting exercise in application of the concepts studied in the prospects.

Debetener What form and what point of view is to be used to create the misleading appearance? An optical illusion can fool our senses.

3D Animation, Simulation : Clothing: main variables [Blogs experimental] [Blender]

Blender possible to create surfaces that behave like clothing. The simulation model is based on mass-spring techniques for use in computer animation, elastic bodies for defining.

The cloth simulation module has control variables used to adjust the properties of the various tissues to be emulated.

Cinematic Timelapse


Timelapse technique has been used conventionally in nature images or any other type of reality capture (vehicle movement, personas, etc.). Una aplicación novedosa de este sistema de reproducción acelerada de imágenes puede permitirnos visualizar una compleja y larga secuencia de creación de imagen de síntesis. Oliver Villar nos… (leer más)

3D Animation, Use a background image [ Blogs experimental ] [ Blender ]


A la hora de modelar un objeto o personaje en Blender, puede ser conveniente usar una imagen de fondo que nos guíe en el proceso de edición de las superfícies que formarán nuestro modelo 3D. This image can make template function for approximating the polygons that form the surface of the model. Normalmente… (leer más)

Qué es el “Scattering” en imagen de síntesis ?


Cuando realizamos imagen de síntesis podemos perseguir que las imágenes parezcan reales o se asemejen a los clásicos dibujos animados (Cartoon). En el primer caso, simular el comportamiento de la luz obliga a usar elaboradas técnicas de renderizado y a elegir los materiales de nuestros objetos con sumo detalle.
Uno de los efectos que podemos simular es la desviación de la luz al atravesar superfícies semiopacas, como la piel de los personajes. Surfaces are allowed to spend a portion of light that illuminates the interior, but on his journey constantly changes direction upon impact with the molecules of the object. The technique that simulates this effect is called “Scattering”.