Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Categorías Innovación

Gource: Visualizing Software Version Control History

Interpret information visually constantly. Symbolic representation techniques are becoming more sophisticated and apply to new fields of science and technology. The use of computers in the process of creating images that serve to analyze complex concepts, allows for interesting visual results, incluyendo secuencias de vídeo que pueden representar… (leer más)

Visualizar 3D PDF en Chrome

A few days ago I published a PDF with 3D content (a three-dimensional mechanical element). In reviewing the content to start a series of lesson plans for my students “Technical Drawing”, I could see, horrified, that had lost the ability to rotate the piece. In his stead, se mostraba un dibujo plano con la perspectiva del… (leer más)

Space [School][Experimental Blogs][Blender]

A new work of my students in the form of music video with images taken in the training course “Computer Graphics” that we are developing with the modeling and animation tool Blender. The objective set in this new training exercise was to obtain an image that serves to illustrate documents on the, including planets,… (leer más)

My students work on the Blog [ Blogs experimental ] [ Blender ]

During these days the bridge, I will publish a series of works made by my students in the elective subject “Gráficos por ordenador” of the EUITA of the UPM, as part of an innovative educational experience we are doing, in which incorporate the Blog as a tool for the dissemination of knowledge from… (leer más)

Physical Simulation: A step away from reality

First came the video cards… Ahora empiezan a aparecer nuevos chips orientados a la simulación física que pronto se convertirán en elementos imprescindibles en nuestros equipos, for both leisure and technical simulations in various disciplines. La evolución de las características de los videojuegos ha impulsado una carrera en el desarrollo de metodologías y estándares para la… (leer más)

Compose Images View: Rotation [Microsoft Image Composite Editor]

After seeing a real example (ledge of apple orchards) on composing panoramic images, we get into our virtual laboratory to analyze some possibilities of software “Microsoft Image Composite Editor” To perform the various tests that subject this creation software panoramic compositions, It has built a simplified model… (leer más)

PDF with 3D content for technical documentation

One of the skills that every engineer has needed to develop is to interpret blueprints and all kinds of graphical properly. Initial training has been based traditionally on the development of exercises based on simple elements representation whose complexity increases as does their ability to “spatial vision”. Often, y como… (leer más)

Proyecto “Neurona”

This post aims to show publicly a development project I am carrying out the social network Twitter. Its purpose is to inform the community that I relate to an activity of scientific interest in which people are participating indirectly you share my space (TL).


It is possible to innovate educationally with limited resources. Metodologías activas de bajo coste pueden resultar muy eficientes educativamente, siendo un campo de investigación de los GIEs (Educational Innovation Groups). In times of crisis, imagination is more important than intelligence (A. Einstein). Este texto es un extracto de un artículo de innovación educativa y… (leer más)

Always has mistreated the Drawing.

If any area of ​​knowledge has been abused in contemporary education has been to “Graphic Expression“. Usually has taught in courses that have been termed pejoratively as “the marias“; The meaning is associated with its facility to be approved by the students. Drawing, plastic expression, arts education, etc., son nombres comúnmente utilizados… (leer más)

Metric Geometry [Experimental Blogs]

This page links to content published selected blogs innovative educational experience. Esto es una selección de los trabajos que han publicado el último mes los grupos que se han formado para dicha experiencia. I hope you like his extraordinary contribution to the educational world. The beauty of geometry… (leer más)