Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

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Example with Cloth & Freestyle & Toon [ NPR ] [ Blender ]

A new non-photorealistic rendering experiment (NPR) Blender with the engine for obtaining shape of the objects ( Freestyle ) applied to the shader “Toon” for animation (Cartoon).

The worked example has been applied to two different objects, a rigid and a very flexible as it is the case of clothing.

Animando con FreeStyle

All variables in Blender can be animated using the technique of “Keyframing”. Para ello seleccionaremos el control de la variable y pulsaremos la tecla “I” (insert). Avanzaremos en la línea de tiempo, modificaremos el valor de la variable y volveremos a introducir un nuevo “Key frame” con la tecla “I”.

El sistema calculará la transición desde un estado (valor) al otro.

Bosque de neuronas Freestyle [ Blender ] [ Wallpaper ]

The new version of Blender suggests a series of tests to determine the benefits of non-photorealistic rendering mode (NPR) called Freestyle.
A forest of neurons may be an organic example of interest to try to rearrange a complex image with the contours provided by this image generation method.

CLARITY allows us to obtain images of the brain: Stanford's Deisseroth Lab [Neurociencia]

Of video clips made by Karl Deisseroth y Kwanghun Chung, Stanford University.

The first shows a walk in the intact brain of a mouse, technique using a fluorescent imaging on a whole brain that previously could only be performed in a brain sectioned into thin slices.

The second sample is a 3D nature of memory in a mouse brain, o hipocampo, composed of different cell types:

Explosiones nucleares desde 1945 [ Timelapse ]

Japanese artist Isao Hashimoto is the creator of this interesting timelapse in which, on a terrestrial map, we can see visually and audibly the set of nuclear tests conducted by different countries on our planet, entre los años 1945 and 1998.

Each country uses a color and a sound type associated to their own tests, the whole forming an audiovisual work of the hand of this artist who transforms every month on the second animation in timelapse.

Outliner : Datablocks : Changing the display [ Blender ]

Al profundizar en Blender podemos cambiar numerosos parámetros que añaden una nueva dimensión al software al ampliar de forma sustancial sus posibilidades.

Uno de los menús que nos permiten realizar estos cambios lo encontramos en una de las secciones del “Outliner”, que hemos utilizado para visualizar y seleccionar el grafo de escena que contiene los elementos que la forman.

Channels of an image synthesis


We have often spoken of “Transparency channel” de una imagen, which describes the points or “pixels” of said image which do not have an associated color and thus are “transparent”.

A Blender, transparency canal, can get other channels, appropriately combined, defining the final image.

Index of refraction

Index of refraction

By introducing transparent materials have been different parameters that characterize. In “Cycles” have named a shader “Glass” to simulate the behavior of translucent objects where the light changes direction through them.

Has an associated transparency parameter that redirection of light rays passing through the material, is the coefficient of refraction; the software performs calculations to simulate these effects are based on the "Law of Snell".

Node editor : Defocus in layers (blurred layers) [ Blender ]


We have seen how to separate elements in layers. To date it has helped us to simplify the process of editing the geometry disabling to hide different layers.
In this article we will see the real power of this technique layered structure manifests when using the “Composer” (in the node editor), namely, in post-production in which we merge the layers of image.

3D Animation, Parámetros de la Cámara : Profundidad de campo [ Blogs experimental ] [ Blender ]


En fotografía convencional siempre se han utilizado tecnicismos que describen propiedades ópticas que se traducen en efectos sobre la imagen capturada.

Uno de los términos más conocidos es “La profundidad de campo” que hace referencia al efecto de nitidez o desenfoque que se aprecia en zonas de la imagen en función de su distancia a la cámara.

Este efecto se puede simular en Blender al utilizar “Cycles” como motor de renderizado, permitiendo efectos de desenfoque controlado alrededor de un punto.

Worldmapper : Another way of looking with Maps earthlike

Worldmapper is a website that allows you to view data graphically, map shaped Earth, that tell us about our world: The distribution of wealth, its inequalities, risks etc..

The data associated with the different countries are projected on a globe that inflates or deflates their maps to see the impact of the studied data on each of the countries, modifying its appearance.

More than 600 maps covering each one of them a 200 territories, covering 99.95% of the world's population.