Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

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Projection Mapping

Projection Mapping es el arte de utilizar proyecciones de imágenes que se adaptan a la forma de los objetos que se usan como “pantallas” o soportes de proyección, getting stunning views and elegant especially in urban elements. Es una nueva forma de comunicarse y promocionar eventos o productos. Es especialmente útil desde el punto de vista del marketing para aquellos que quieran lanzar un mensaje de una manera llamativa y atractiva visualmente con la exposición pública garantizada: la proyección en 3D de los edificios



FotoMorph is a free application that allows imaging morphs easily and intuitively. Allows elementary or composite morphs (multiple) with an interface that is between an image editing application and the characteristic of nonlinear video editing. FotoMorph tiene funcionalidad para otras deformaciones… (leer más)

Mosaic pictures with step by step photo-Mosaik


Let's see step by step how we can generate a mosaic based on an image gallery, with it software “Photo-Mosaic“. Each one of them images will act as a macro pixel to build the final image. For him hacer una mosaic continue operating sequence that you can sign conceptually reduce the: Generar the database… (leer más)

How to make a photo mosaic with images? [Foto-Mosaik]


An image on a computer screen is formed by a set of points, called pixels, Color.

Our perception supported by the Gestalt laws make us believe that it is a continuous image although its nature is discrete.

An application that easily allows a mosaic of a photograph from a set of images is the software Photo-Mosaic.

Animación Tsunamis: Chile Vs Japan

Two animations made by numerical simulation in which we can see the spread of the energy released by the earthquake measuring 8,8 and the Tsunami generated after the earthquakes in Chile and Japan. A model that makes a forecast of the advance of the front of waves generated in the Pacific Ocean, and that allows us to observe… (leer más)

Node editor: Efectos: Shadow [Blender]

Filter “Shadow” is located inside the edge recognition operators. Detects the shadows and enhance them or change their color. Un sencillo ejemplo se puede realizar con el editor de nodos de Blender Usaremos una imagen colorida como base para aplicar los filtros. A bouquet of flowers can serve. Aplicaremos… (leer más)

Node editor: Efectos: Sobel [Blender]

The Sobel operator contours of an image is mainly applied to determine; belongs to the edge detection tools used for image recognition. Es un operador discreto, (actúa sobre los valores de cada pixel) y los relaciona con los de su entorno inmediato analizando la velocidad de cambio en cada… (leer más)

Node editor: Split window [Blender]

Most digital editing programs include a mode “preview” to visualize, about, el resultado de aplicar un filtro a una imagen. Blender dispone de una herramienta en el editor de nodos que permite poder contrastar dos imágenes en una misma ventana. La proximidad de las imágenes permite apreciar mejor… (leer más)

Display: Visual tools for the socio–semantic web

Seeking models for scientific visualization applications of massive data (neurons of the cerebral cortex) he disfrutado con el trabajo de Moritz Stefaner y su Masters Thesis “Visual tools for the socio–semantic web” (.pdf, 12MB)
In his bibliography is defined as a person interested in the representation of information:

Social Collider: Visualization of interactions on Twitter

The representation of social interactions between users, the effect of a given word and its dissemination in a live network is subject to complex sociological. El efecto de un pensamiento o “same” short time can impact on any geographical latitude, forming a system comparable to neuronal tissue.

La interpretación de los grafos puede ser tan compleja como la de los que producen los modernos colisionadores de partículas. The vertical lines indicate no effect, while the vertical and spirals denote great media impact.

What is Raytracing? Introduction to image synthesis.

To create photorealistic images using different programming techniques, being “Raytracing” or “raytracing” one of the most interesting offering.

In this paper we introduce concepts necessary to understand how to generate one of these images, while this technique is presented by a sequence of “intermediate photos” that explain in detail the properties of synthetic lighting models.