Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

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Cycles : Shaders : Diffuse [ Blender ]


Upon visual introduction to shaders saying we introduced the concept:

Synthetic images, as we are calculating with Blender, are rendered with different types of algorithms; results vary the final representation of the objects in the scene.

The mathematical models which allow a synthetic image are grouped into what is called “Shaders” the Shader.

Cycles : Cámara : Profundidad de campo [ Blender ]


One of the effects that bring more realism to an image synthesis is obtained by focusing an object or region located at a distance of cámara.Simula the human eye to focus attention on a particular object, finding other objects more or less blurred.
In photography this effect is known to focus / blur and depth of field of the image, being the result of two factors, aperture and shutter speed.
Rendering made with “Cycles” Blender allows you to define the field profundid very easily. Will select in the scene the camera and go into the menu for your configuration by clicking its icon.

Alexander Tsiaras: from conception to birth… all to see [ TED ]


On the day of the mother can not miss a video of the creation of life. Led by Alexander Tsiaras, participate in the development of MRI technique, We can see a digital image processing of great beauty and educational value that shows the process of creating a living.
A wonderful video taken from the always interesting TED talks

Human Connectome Project


The project “Human Connectome Project” is designed to investigate human brain connectivity, namely, how to connect different brain areas forming the circuits that make us feel and reason.

One goal is to draw an atlas of brain connections, allowing desarrolo and analyze their performance.

Legacy Photographs

El cine y la televisión utilizan complejas técnicas para poder crear imágenes que sólo existen en la imaginación de sus creadores. La mezcla de escenas reales con objetos de síntesis es una de ellas, y presenta el reto de obtener una integración entre ambos mundos que sea realista a la par de creible. Recientemente se… (leer más)

The Celestia Motherlode : Repositorio para simulación 3D del espacio


La actual constelación de satélites científicos que se encuentran en órbita permiten obtener diferentes imágenes con variados datos de nuestro planeta y otros cuerpos del Sistema Solar. Estos datos se proyectan sobre las imágenes de la topografía del planeta y sirven para numerosos estudios en campos muy variados de la ciencia. One of the repositories that have been imaged for different jobs is “The Celestia Motherlode”, allowing download in various resolutions.

Car projection mapping


Projection Mapping is the art of using projected images to fit the shape of objects that are used as "screens" or projection brackets, getting stunning views and elegant especially in urban elements. Initially started to create this visual art projected on large surfaces, particularly building facades. Según ha… (leer más)

Qué es el “Scattering” en imagen de síntesis ?


Cuando realizamos imagen de síntesis podemos perseguir que las imágenes parezcan reales o se asemejen a los clásicos dibujos animados (Cartoon). En el primer caso, simular el comportamiento de la luz obliga a usar elaboradas técnicas de renderizado y a elegir los materiales de nuestros objetos con sumo detalle.
Uno de los efectos que podemos simular es la desviación de la luz al atravesar superfícies semiopacas, como la piel de los personajes. Surfaces are allowed to spend a portion of light that illuminates the interior, but on his journey constantly changes direction upon impact with the molecules of the object. The technique that simulates this effect is called “Scattering”.